6 Things to do in Cork this Weekend

The Best Things to do in Cork this Weekend

Bored of Cork? Well then, you’re bored of life my friend. There are absolutely tons of things to do in the city. Local attractions, nightlife, and outstanding scenery is just the tip of the ice-berg when it comes to the ‘Rebel City‘.

Since you’re looking for things to do in Cork this weekend? Make sure to check out our Things to do in Cork – Rebel Guide. We update this guide on a daily basis and include our picks of the very best deals and events in the city.

1. Catch a Gig on ‘the strip’

Pubs and bars in Cork city centre are constantly providing live music for their patrons in the city. Highlights include Rebel Music, Soul, Hip Hop etc.

The best strategy is to start at the Berwick Fountain (the Fountain) on Grand Parade and walk east down Oliver Plunkett Street (the strip) and let your ears take you there. Play that funky music – white boy!

2. Catch a Rising Star

There are some great venues in Cork if you wish to attend an organized event. The Pavilion, The Good Room, the Opera House and Cyprus Avenue to name but a few.

Check out our Guide of things to do in Cork or sign up to our newsletter for our pick of the best of the best of Cork.

3. Take in Some Culture

If you’re the type that chooses a destination based on it’s proximity to your favourite pub franchise, then skip this part. If however, like me, you simply can’t get enough of that k-ulture [sic]. Then read on.

Make sure not to miss the Crawford Art Gallery, the Ardú Mural tour, Nano Nagle Place or the Cork Public Museum. That’s right culture-vulture, spread your wings in the ‘Rebel city’.

4. Chill-ax in a Local Bar

There are tons of options to choose from. Craft beer producers the Franciscan Well and the Rising Sons are top of the list. After that try the Bodega and the Mutton Lane for a follow-up pint or three.

If your legs are steady enough, try the journey to the Pavilion nightclub (100m away) Shackleton. If you’re too drunk to be allowed enter by the bouncer, don’t forget to go online and proclaim loudly that you’re being discriminated against because you’re a vegan or whatever! No-one cares. Lol.

5. Try a Sober Night

Tons to do in Cork if you don’t wish to partake in the Irish national passtime – drinking! Remember, coming home sober after a night in the city isn’t downright unpatriotic and doesn’t merit you having your Irish citizenship revoked.

Try a board game in the city. Most bars are happy to provide you with games and serve you non-alcoholic beer and / or soft drinks. Especially, on weeknights. Get your nerd-on, break out the Dungeons & Dragons; you won’t be judged. Lol.

6. Be ‘at one’ with Nature

You can’t really experience Cork without experiencing it’s spectacular scenery. From Bell’s Field near the city centre, to Nohoval Cove an hours drive away, to Lough Hyne in Cork county to the Lough near the city centre.

Spend a weekend in Cork by casting off the shackles of our greedy capitalist overlords and retreating into the ancient, the serene, the beautiful outdoors. Experience also, why our ancient Celtic forefathers worshipped Irish nature. Try camping – afterall, what can go wrong in the Irish climate? 😉


We’ve put loving care and attention into this article. We hope you’re suitably inspired. Remember, just cause you’re in the spiritual home of the Water of Life (whiskey). Doesn’t mean your entire weekend has to be a haze. With only a memory of a bad hangover on Monday morning.

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Slán go fhoíll, (see you soon)

Dara is a local storyteller and True. Cork. Rebel. When he’s not helping guests experience the real ‘Rebel City’ of Cork on his exciting online video series – the Rebel City Trail of Cork. Featuring real Rebel tales from Cork’s struggle for freedom. He’s helping guests explore things to do in Cork. Experience adventure on the Rebel City Trail from your livingroom or on-location in Cork city centre. Immerse yourself in real Cork culture and make the most of your time in the city. Enjoy the Rebel Trail of Cork today!

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